Here are three reasons why you should list your home this winter.

Around this time of year, clients ask us all the time: “Is the winter a good time to sell my home?” Many people think spring is the best time to sell, but there are many benefits to listing in the winter. Today I want to discuss three main reasons why you should consider selling before spring:

1. Buyers are highly motivated right now. This time of year, people tend to move for job changes, and many leases expire in December and January. These buyers need to move into a home fast, so they might give you a better deal. Plus, the weather is icy and nasty; if you’re willing to look at homes in these conditions, you must be serious. 

“There are many benefits to listing in the winter.”

2. There are fewer homes on the market. As a seller, less competition means a higher price and better terms. Buyers may be lenient on their inspections, or they might offer other benefits because of our low supply. 

3. Interest rates are increasing. As rates rise, buyers’ purchasing power decreases. It will be more expensive to buy a home six months from now, so many buyers are trying to take advantage of low rates before they increase. If you list now, you could have all these buyers competing for your home. 

If you are interested in selling, now may be the time. Give my team a call or send us an email. We’re excited to hear from you!