Here are the five things I recommend to get the best price for your home.

A lot of clients want to know: “How do I maximize my sale price in today’s market?” Five main things go into that sales price. Capitalizing on all of them can help you bump that price up:

1.  Understanding local market demands. What’s the supply like, what’s the demand like and what’s the absorption rate? Having that knowledge lets you know where to position your house to get the best price.

2. Preparing your home to sell. I’m a firm believer that if you’re going to spend a dollar to update your house, you should get a return or discount on that update. It only makes sense to update if it’s going to be money well spent.

“It’s important to work with an expert to get the best price.”

3. Choosing the right time to sell. We’ve done a lot of research into the best time of year to sell, but even the day of the week might have a huge impact.

4. Properly pricing your home. If a property is priced too low, it will generate a ton of activity, which is usually awesome, but that activity will bump up the price, and a lot of those people who were interested at the lower price won’t be able to compete. It’s a lot of work to serve those buyers who ultimately won’t be able to buy at the true price point. If the house is priced too high, it will sit on the market for a while, and people might wonder what’s wrong with it, making it sell lower than it originally would have.

5. Hiring a local expert. It’s very important to hire someone like me who is handling these decisions every day. We have experience with the market, with negotiations, and have data to make more informed decisions. It’s important to work with an expert to get the best price.

Feel free to give us a call if you’re interested in a consultation. We’ll take you through the process one step at a time and get you where you want to be.