If you are selling your home and have pets, do these three things.

What do you do with your pet when you sell your house? 67% of American households have at least one kind of pet, so this is an issue that affects a lot of people. There are three things that you should do to prepare your house for the market when you have a pet: 

1. Get rid of the smell. Too often, buyers are turned off by odd smells before they even get a chance to see a house. To avoid this, clean your carpets and upholstery, get a brand-new litter box, and do whatever you need to do. Also, have an objective person come to your house and give you an honest opinion. Then, make sure you don’t mask any smells with candles or air fresheners because people will see right through that.

2. Make sure they’re out for showings. A lot of people love pets, but we want to make sure that a potential buyer’s focus and attention is on the house. Maybe you could take them to work for the day, board them, or have a neighbor take them.

“We want to make sure that a potential buyer’s focus is on the house, not your pet or the smell.”

3. Repair any damage. For example, when my dog was a puppy, she would eat trim, chew on pillows, and scratch doors. Your house might have some of that damage, so go through it objectively and take care of the repairs before putting it on the market. 

If you need an objective opinion, I am here to help. If you have any questions, call me anytime. I look forward to talking with you.