A pre-sale inspection is a good idea for home sellers.

Whether it’s a car or a house, getting an inspection can be a hassle. However, inspections also give you peace of mind and make you aware of problems before they snowball into something incredibly costly. You can give potential buyers that peace of mind as well by getting a pre-sale inspection done on your home. Here are the top five reasons why doing so can help your listing:

1. You identify possible repairs. During an inspection, a licensed inspector looks at the main components of the house and points out things you may have overlooked. You can then determine which things should be fixed and which things to keep an eye on.

“By completing the inspection process and making necessary repairs, you know you’re selling a good home to your buyer.”

2. You enter the market with better strategic positioning. Knowledge is power, and the more insight we have into a home’s condition, the more we can prepare the property effectively. This way, you’ll have plenty of time to get affordable repairs and avoid costly negotiations in the future. 

3. You remove friction from the buyer’s decision-making process. If a buyer knows your home has already been looked over and can see a list of the home’s issues, they’ll undoubtedly have peace of mind. This can translate into stronger offers and a better price on your home.

4. It reduces stress and gives you confidence. By completing the inspection process and making necessary repairs, you know you’re selling a good home to your buyer. This will help you be more confident during negotiations and avoid the stress that comes with hiding problems.

5. It adds a layer of protection. A lot of legal issues have popped up because buyers have been waiving inspections and making decisions based on the property disclosure form. When problems arise after purchasing a home, some buyers feel deceived and subsequently call a lawyer. By getting a pre-sale inspection, you’re protecting yourself from these problems.

We’ve actually been able to negotiate a discount with some of our preferred inspectors, which we’d be happy to share with you. If you’re interested in getting a pre-sale inspection, or if you have any questions about our market, feel free to reach out to us. We look forward to hearing from you soon.